
Self-care…. if you don’t take care of yourself, who will?

Self-care is a subject matter that, even though it sounds individualistic, could be a necessary organizational practice to enhance optimal performance of team members. Self-care includes the conscious practices and behaviour that individuals engage in to promote their total well-being. It is also all-encompassing as this care includes Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional care. Does self-care affect the productivity of an organization? Is financial self-care an area of self-care? This and more unfolded during the second LL Event as facilitated by the Country Project Coordinator of Voice, the charismatic Ijeoma Okwor. There is growing awareness about mental health and it is important to recognise that there exists a significant relationship between mental health and self-care. Self-care might just be the answer to salvage and improve mental health condition as a person that pays attention to self-care practices might be walking on the destination to optimum mental health and thus increase personal and organisational productivity. Any organisation of individuals with conscious and active self-care practices is an organization with a set of efficient, effective, mentally stable individuals who are personally productive. These individuals will in turn infuse this positive energy into the organization helping individuals to maintain a ‘Work-Life Balance. Several areas of Self-care were explored during this session and these include: - **Physical self-care:** There is a connection between the Physical body and the mind such that when the physical body is whole, the mind is whole. Practices to engage in to achieve Physical self-care include physical exercise, good sleep, body massage, eating a healthy diet and adhering to medical advices. - **Mental self-care**, which is rarely paid attention because is not as tangible as the physical deserves premium attention. The practice of mindfulness, being fully present at the moment with great abhorrence for worry is very essential. Taking time to enjoy the moment, being thoughtful before eating, talking, etc. are good mental Self-care practices. It also includes being conscious of what feeds one’s mind and thought patterns. - Though we all have different version of who we pay allegiance to, having this kind of connection to a power source is a good Spiritual Self-care practice. Connection with a power energy of choice that gives a satisfaction is very vital. The practice of Meditation, Yoga, and engaging in religious activities are all important aspects of spiritual self-care practices that are vital for personal and organizational productivity. - **Emotional Selfcare** refers to the ability to have Self-control, peace of mind at trouble times, manage anger and confusion, resolve issues, deal with negative energies and abusive relationships, set boundaries is the greatest self-care one can ever get. Emotional self-care is like the glue that binds all together. It depicts the level of maturity one has attained over time and can be the greatest back bone on which one can conquer uncontrollable situations. Financial self-care as an area of self-care was an object of curiosity during the session. This was settled as participants were made to understand that practising the aforementioned aspects of self-care are vehicles which lead to financial self-care. Other tips for self-care include the fact that men should be encouraged to express their vulnerability and anxieties by finding someone to talk to. Similarly, women should realise they own themselves and should speak out on issues that affect their wellbeing. It also includes practices such as enrolling for therapy sessions with professionals, self-reflection and setting boundaries, Bosses utilizing safe-guarding policies for their subordinates, having bonding partners and innovative self-care sessions. Self-care is literally be anything done to ensure your whole person is fine. Afterall, if you don’t take care of yourself, who will?



Bukola Oloruntoba


Posted on Thursday, March 3, 2022


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